segunda-feira, novembro 27, 2006

Existem fatos que não precisam de comentários, basta uma imagem ;)

O Mundo é Grande
O mundo é grande e cabe
nesta janela sobre o mar.
O mar é grande e cabe
na cama e no colchão de amar.
O amor é grande e cabe
no breve espaço de beijar.
Carlos Drummond de Andrade

quinta-feira, novembro 23, 2006

"tenho apenas duas mãos...e o sentimento do mundo" C. Drummond.


sexta-feira, novembro 17, 2006

Tem mensagens que circulam mais de mil vezes por email, e nem sempre chamam nossa atenção por serem repetitivas.
Acontece que, em alguns dias, parece que estamos mais inclinados a entende-las com outro lado de nossa alma, que muitas vezes é mais sensivel. Ou quem sabe seja alguma configuração astrológica diferente nos tocando o coração???
Enfim, existem momentos e momentos.
Recebi hoje por email e resolvi postar aqui.
"Já perdoei erros quase imperdoáveis, tentei substituir pessoas insubstituíveis e esquecer pessoas inesquecíveis. Já fiz coisas por impulso, já me decepcionei com pessoas quando nunca pensei me decepcionar, mas também decepcionei alguém. Já abracei pra proteger, já dei risada quando não podia, fiz amigos eternos, amei e fui amado, mas também já fui rejeitado, fui amado e não amei. Já gritei e pulei de tanta felicidade, já vivi de amor e fiz juras eternas, "quebrei a cara" muitas vezes! Já chorei ouvindo música e vendo fotos, já liguei só pra escutar uma voz, me apaixonei só por um sorriso, já pensei que fosse morrer de saudade e tive medo de perder alguém especial (e acabei perdendo)! Mas vivi! E ainda vivo! Não passo pela vida... e você também não deveria passar! Viva!! Bom mesmo é ir à luta com determinação, abraçar a vida e viver com paixão, perder com classe e vencer com ousadia, porque o mundo pertence a quem se atreve e a vida é MUITO para ser insignificante."
(Charlie Chaplin)

terça-feira, novembro 07, 2006

Dores e Desventuras

Mais umas das minhas, essa é antiga,
mas nunca publicada.

Falta coragem para falar
Falta fôlego para viver
Falta amor para sonhar
Falta mais o que?

Tem certeza que falta?
Será que não sobra?
Acha que não está perdido?
Será que se encontrou?

Eterno emaranhado
Novelo sem fim
Novela com fim

Eis me aqui
De novo
Tentando falar
E de novo calando

São Carlos, 05 de outubro de 2001

quinta-feira, novembro 02, 2006

Message for the New Millenium
by H.H. the Dalai Lama.

Many people seem to be excited about the new millennium, but the new millennium in itself will be nothing special. As we enter into the new millennium things will be the same; there will be nothing unusual. However, if we really want the next millennium to be happier, more peaceful and more harmonious for humankind we will have to make the effort to make it so. This is in our hands, but especially in the hands of the younger generation.
We have had many experiences during this century - constructive as well as extremely destructive ones. We must learn from these experiences. We need to approach the next millennium more holistically, with more openness and farsightedness. If we are going to make the right kind of efforts to make the future of the world better, I believe the following matters are of great importance.

While engaging in material progress and taking care of physical wellbeing we need to pay equal attention to developing peace of mind and thus taking care of the internal aspect of our being.
Along with education, which generally deals only with academic accomplishments, we need to develop more altruism and a sense of caring and responsibility for others in the minds of the younger generation studying in various educational institutions. This can be done without necessarily involving religion. One could therefore call this 'secular ethics', as it in fact consists of basic human qualities such as kindness, compassion, sincerity and honesty.

This past century in some ways has been a century of war and bloodshed. It has seen a year by year increase in defense spending by most countries in the world. If we are to change this trend we must seriously consider the concept of non-violence, which is a physical expression of compassion. In order to make non-violence a reality we must first work on internal disarmament and then proceed to work on external disarmament. By internal disarmament I mean ridding ourselves of all the negative emotions that result in violence. External disarmament will also have to be done gradually, step by step. We must first work on the total abolishment of nuclear weapons and gradually work up to total demilitarization throughout the world. In the process of doing this we also need to work towards stopping the arms trade, which is still very widely practiced because it is so lucrative. When we do all these things, we can then hope to see in the next millennium a year by year decrease in the military expenditure of the various nations and a gradual working towards demilitarization.
Human problems will, of course, always remain - but the way to resolve them should be through dialogue and discussion. The next century should be a century of dialogue and discussion rather than one of war and bloodshed.

We need to address the issue of the gap between the rich and the poor, both globally and nationally. This inequality, with some sections of the human community having abundance and others on the same planet going hungry or even dying of starvation, is not only morally wrong, but practically also a source of problems. Equally important is the issue of freedom. As long as there is no freedom in many parts of the world there can be no real peace and in a sense no real freedom for the rest of the world.

For the sake of our future generations, we need to take care of our earth and of our environment. Environmental damage is often gradual and not easily apparent and by the time we become aware of it, it is generally too late. Since most of the major rivers flowing into many parts of south-east Asia originate from the Tibetan plateau, it will not be out of place to mention here the crucial importance of taking care of the environment in that area.
Lastly, one of the greatest challenges today is the population explosion. Unless we are able to tackle this issue effectively we will be confronted with the problem of the natural resources being inadequate for all the human beings on this earth.
We need to seriously look into these matters that concern us all if we are to look forward to the future with some hope.
January 1, 2000
photo & copy; Christof Wittwer for CC:NoDerivs-NonCommercial-ShareAlike